- TWBI Lives!

Hello there, Billies!

There Will Be Ink has been updated with a new text system, performance improvements, and various fixes.

I've been away from the project for a while, as I had to take some time off to focus on another project (twins, yikes!), but I've recently been dipping my toe back into There Will Be Ink. When I first set out to make TWBI, I was a pretty terrible programmer, and it was meant to be a very small "practice" project. Now, I'm a very slightly less terrible programmer, and with its ever-expanding scope the game has become quite complex and cumbersome to manage. There are a lot of things I would do differently if I were making the game from scratch today, but that is neither here nor there, nor anywhere! I do love this silly old game, and I've put a lot of work recently into totally redoing how the game handles text. Everything in the game was previously hardcoded, which makes localization nearly impossible. There are still a few quirks to work out, but I've reworked the game to support localization. I don't have any official announcements in that field and only something minor planned, so don't get your hopes up, but also, stay tuned! There are likely some new bugs in the game relating to these text conversions, which I'll be watching out for, but please drop a note here if you noticed anything peculiar.

I've also put some work into optimizing performance and fixing some bugs. 

Free time is limited these days, but I have a lot of ideas yet for TWBI. I have no roadmaps or timelines, but keep an eye out here for further updates. Cheerio!


  • Redid text system, to support multiple languages
  • Various performance improvements
  • Active player no longer requires mine sweeper as active weapon to defuse mines
  • Revised some game text
  • Updated main text font
  • Slightly increased chance of Heroes bleeding out instead of instantly dying


  • Fixed Engineers going rogue and leaving the map their comrades are all dead
  • Fixed Engineers sometimes getting stuck when laying mines
  • Fixed multiple units raising flags sometimes preventing building capture
  • Fixed Engineers sometimes getting hung up on mountains/etc when placing mines/sandbags
  • Fixed further bugs around mine laying
  • Fixed AI Engineers not defusing mines
  • Fixed some Steam achievements not being acquired/sync'd (should now sync when loading game)
  • Fixed crates continuing to move if game paused when in mid-air
  • Fixed some stat tracking with custom unit names
  • Fixed "Sea Unworthy" (sink a ship) Achievement not triggering when sinking a ship with a grenade/RPG


there-will-be-ink-windows.zip 28 MB
Version 1 day ago

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