Beta 9.1 – Fallen Comrades, New Missions, Skiing, QoL
Hey there! Beta 9.1 is now live. This update focuses on several quality-of-life adjustments, new missions, and the new "Fallen Comrades" page, to honor heroes killed in battle.
Fallen Comrades
The Fallen Comrades page can be accessed from the "Campaign" menu. It displays a field of flowers (one for each player death) as well as headstones for any heroes killed in battle. The fanciness of the headstone is determined by the rank at which the hero was killed in battle. Headstones also list during which battles the hero respectively emerged and was killed, number of kills, battles, and victories, and even a small screenshot from the time of the hero's death.
New Missions
There are 4 new missions this time around, each offering something new. One is a skiing level, while another involves neutral buildings that can be captured and offer a new unit type. Yet another is kind of strange and I won't say much about, while the last one is just a big ol' battle, which I guess isn't anything that new. Sorry, I also wish I wasn't such a liar.
Up Next
I've begun work on the last mission of the main campaign. The other feature I'd like to get in place is the end-screen for when a campaign is finished. That will be used for procedural campaigns as well, as right now things are a little anticlimactic when victory is achieved at the end of a campaign. I hope you enjoy the new content, and please feel free to send any questions or feedback my way. Cheerio!
New Features & Content
- Fallen Comrades - A new Campaign page showing a cemetery with heroes killed in battle. Includes some stats and even a screenshot of the hero's last moment
- New Campaign Missions: Double Daffy (ski level), Lake Frends (it's a surprise!), High Mountain (new unit type), and The Calm (big ol' battle)
- Added Neutral Buildings - won't spawn units/abilities until taken over. AI will attempt to capture as well
- Added game option (off by default) to save end-of-battle screenshot, either at display resolution or capped to 1080p
- Saved to %localappdata%/Users/ThereWillBeInk/<profileName>/Campaigns/<campaignName>/Screens
Changes & Enhancements
- Added Hero stats for number of battles (includes retreats) and victories
- Tanks now use same pathfinding as other units (much better, but still room for improvement)
- Added one second pause when loading mission description between missions, to avoid accidental skip
- Advancing to the next level/barracks/restart now requires holding on button for a half second, to avoid accidental skip
- Next battle/retry/barracks buttons are once again active when zoomed in at end-of-battle
- All buildings are now visible on night missions
- Adjusted end-of-battle message backing and placement (less transparent, no overlap)
- Adjusted checkmarks (skill progress, etc) to be more visible (black instead of green)
- Added sound when selecting Hero for deployment with gamepad on Barracks page
- Made target crosshair location sprite less transparent
- When highlighting a unit note on Barracks page with gamepad, other notes will fade
- Changed "Campaign Stats" notes on Barracks page to blue
- Units no longer get suppressed by flames
- Mods: Added autoHealWound unit attribute - allows wounds to automatically heal over time
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where heroes would disappear after playing a mission where heroes are disabled
- Fixed issue where Jetpack units could rarely go prone unless exhausted
- Fixed gamepad not working to adjust music/effects volume on Game Options page
- Units who can't go prone will no longer become suppressed
- Fixed issue where Heroes could still be killed by lightning (reduces to 10% of current health instead)
- Fixed possible crash when hero gets kill after battle is over
- Fixed crash for units with no weapon
- Fixed bug where victories/battles stat wasn't counted on Hero's emerging battle
- Fixed rank not being up to date at time of Hero's death
- Fixed double shadow issue for paratroopers
- Fixed some placement issues with modded units
- Fixed issue where tank sprite/facing would flicker at certain angles
- Fixed display issue with "Hit %" stat on Campaign page for new campaigns
Get There Will Be Ink
There Will Be Ink
Stick figure armies battling in a notebook, just like you used to draw in class instead of paying attention!
Status | Released |
Author | summitfever |
Genre | Action, Shooter |
Tags | 2D, Difficult, Level Editor, Local Co-Op, Local multiplayer, Shoot 'Em Up, stickman, Twin Stick Shooter |
Languages | English |
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